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    What is Mistcooling?

    Mistcooling is use of the evaporation and convection principles to cool you and your surrounding areas. Its is an imitation of natural biological process of sweating.

    Evaporative cooling

    Many people have experienced the wonderful cooling achieved on hot summer days at amusement parks and restaurants around the world or seen athletes standing in front of misting fans to cool off.

    But how does it work?

    Constant Water Content vs RH

    Mist Cooling works by forcing water through specially designed mist nozzles that create a mist (fog) of ultra-fine water droplets. As the pressure increases (up to 1200 psi), you will get an even smaller droplet, as little as 5 microns. 5 microns is small, about the size of fine dust.

    As these water droplets get smaller the ratio of surface area to volume goes up so much that a gallon of water ends up with a surface area larger than a football field or about the size of a soccer pitch. Imagine how quickly that will evaporate! These tiny water droplets (fog) quickly absorb the energy (heat) present in the environment and evaporate, becoming water vapor (gas). In chemistry class that is called a state change.

    Where does the energy come from to change liquid water (droplets) to gaseous water (vapor)?

    It comes from the heat energy in the air. The energy (heat) used to change the water to a gas is eliminated from the environment, hence the air is cooled. Just 1 Gallon of water that evaporates removes 8000 BTUs of heat energy. Our High-Pressure Mist Cooling Systems deliver .25 GPM to 100 GPM of mist per minute. That’s a lot of BTUs!